How To Use Dual Zoom Battlefront 2

  1. How To Use Dual Zoom Battlefront 2 Ps4
  2. Battlefront 2 Unlocks

There's nothing like this here.

The controls for Star Wars: Battlefront II are designed to make aiming and shooting as easy as possible. This allows players to focus on the game rather than the controls. This allows players to focus on the game rather than the controls. Star Wars: Battlefront 2 - Play with a PS4 Gamepad (on your PC) Pinnacle Game Profiler can solve all your controller problems. Just click the button below to download the Pinnacle Game Profiler software, which includes a pre-made profile to add PS4 gamepad support to Star Wars: Battlefront 2. Star Wars Battlefront II's hip-firing is a bit more forgiving than other shooters so use this over aiming down sights when up close and personal. Reloading, Cooling Down, & Overheating edit.

Galactic Assault, like Walker Assault, tasks the teams with a set of three progressive objective sets, ranging from zone control to bomb planting to a mode that almost looks like attacking a big, grand AT-AT but doesn't have any of the structural brilliance of Walker Assault. Most of the time you just hurl yourself at one objective and then either give up or move on to hurling yourself at another. At some point, the match ends. None of the maps have quite the drama of any of the maps I remember from Battlefront, and they don't come loaded with environmental effects both visual and auditory like Battlefront had. Battlefront often felt like you were genuinely a single small trooper in a massive battle between good and evil: matches in Battlefront 2 feel quiet, perfunctory and game-like instead.

Most of these modes are crippled by a system of death tickets: the attacking team only gets to die a certain number of times, after which the match is over. It ensures cautious play, punishes inexperienced players and causes every match to wind down anti-climactically rather than ending in a final, blazing last stand. It feels like a small feature, but it's hard to overstate how it comes to define nearly every mode in the game. Again, this is the airplane from the beginning here: if only they had pointed this thing a hair to the right, we might not be having this conversation.

On top of this, we've now got Battle Points, which players use to unlock more powerful characters, including supercharged Jedi or Sith heroes. Everything you do in the game earns you these points, and you can cash them in for a vehicle, an improved trooper or a hero at your next respawn. It means that not only will weaker players never get to use the exciting characters from Star Wars that they bought the game for, and it also ensures that the heroes bouncing around a game killing everyone will inevitably be controlled by the strongest players in the match. It's already frustrating when you, a lowly Assault Trooper, get cut to ribbons by a tiny little Yoda ripping through you and your allies. It's even more frustrating when it happens constantly for minutes at a time because the player on the other end has plenty of both practice and skill, and you don't stand a chance under any circumstances. And it's ultimately the most frustrating when you know you'll never get the chance to return the favor.


This is even true of lower level Wookie Warriors and Rocket Troopers, which have a way of dominating the smaller-scale strike mode. If you find yourself up against one as a standard trooper, you'll most likely just die unless you manage some impressive moves, and if you could manage said moves you probably wouldn't be stuck as a standard trooper anyways. Battlefront handled powered-up characters with random pickups, which lent both an arcade charm and egalitarian sensibility to a system that now feels wrought and frustrating.

You could theoretically play as a hero in the Heroes vs. Villains mode, but a great way to axe that particular power fantasy is to run headlong in a powered up Boba Fett raining rockets down on you. Heroes vs. Villains is a perfectly fine diversion, but it's too unfocused and crazy to have much fun with.

Starfighter Assault is the game's biggest multiplayer addition from its predecessor, and at times it can actually feel like the most successful new feature here. It takes the large-scale conflict concept of Galactic Assault and applies it to space battles, with teams typically completing to destroy or defend some major capital ship or Space Station. It has a wonderful feel to it: the first time you wind up in a Tie Fighter you're enraptured with how it screams across the black, tracking down and nailing human and AI players with ruthless efficiency. But early excitement gives way in no time because there's just so little depth of control here. If another player -- let alone a hero character -- winds up on your tail or locks onto you with a missile, there's very little you can do aside from die and then fly right back into the fight, hoping to be on the other side of six o'clock for at least a little while. We have no barrel rolls or loop de loops which would allow for genuine evasive maneuvering, and as a result, it can feel like there's just not enough there to generate actually exciting dogfights.

Nothing here finds its groove, nothing here feels like it rewards you with a fun match on its own merit. It mostly serves to funnel you to the progression system which, well. Let's talk about that now.

Road To Nowhere

The progression system has drawn much of the Internet's ire in the days leading up to release, and for good reason. It revolves around upgrades called Star Cards, and there's a helpful video on the game's welcome screen that asks 'What Are Star Cards?' Hint: if your system needs this explained, you're already in trouble. Essentially, Star Cards are bonuses that can greatly increase your character's combat capabilities, and you level up your individual character classes by getting more of them. You get them through randomized loot boxes, which you buy with credits, which you get from completing matches and challenges. You can also craft them with crafting parts, which you sometimes get from said loot boxes. The more Star Cards an individual character class has, the higher its level becomes, allowing you to equip more and more powerful Star Cards.


Before launch, loot boxes could also be purchased with real money, but EA has disabled that feature and promised to bring it back at a later date.

How To Use Dual Zoom Battlefront 2 Ps4

If it sounds bad in theory, it's even worse in practice. First off is the very basic concept of wide-ranging upgrades that make your characters more powerful, meaning that you're thrown into your first matches as an underpowered weakling with better-equipped players blasting you into oblivion whenever you come up against them. The game helpfully shows you which Star Cards a player that killed you was packing, and inevitably. It makes upgrading difficult because your success is always going to be hampered against high-level players, and it means that your first moments in the game's signature multiplayer are little more than a suggestion of how things might be fun at some point in the future. You can sort of imagine how there might be fun somewhere down the road, but the road is long and paved with constant death.

Then there's the actual process of upgrading. Randomized loot boxes mean you have no control over which upgrades you actually receive, and so you might play six matches as an Assault trooper and wind up with literally no cards with which to upgrade your Assault Trooper. You can mitigate this to some degree with crafting parts, but their efficacy is pretty limited compared to random drops. And because cards apply to every single type of character you might be playing -- heroes, vehicles, troopers and starfighters -- it means that you might, like me, wind up sitting on a ton of cards for the hero character Rey even though I'm likely to never use her because my normal troopers aren't strong enough to earn her in a match.

Weapons are a different matter entirely: each class starts with one weapon and can unlock more by earning a certain number of kills with that weapon, and good luck if you're no good with the starting weapon. Things here, and things everywhere, are slow and tedious.

Players were angry that you could also buy progress with real money, but temporarily removing microtransactions does nothing to mitigate the long, capricious and unrewarding grind that is leveling up in this game right now, nor does it do anything to address the obvious balance problems that come along with it. Most multiplayer shooters either make sure to dole out theoretically top-tier rewards very quickly or limit upgrades to cosmetics: this is why.

A Campaign, For What It's Worth

The campaign has a strange way of feeling like an afterthought next to the other modes despite the obviously massive investment of time and energy that went into creating it. For the most part we play as Iden Versio, an elite Imperial Soldier who traipses across the Galaxy having a crisis of conscience in the aftermath of the Battle of Endor. Like multiplayer, it's best defined by its aesthetics: we have some truly striking visions of the Star Wars universe both otherworldly and all too real, all of it set to the stirring Star Wars music that this game nails to a T. And unlike multiplayer, which uses music cues sparingly to create long stretches of awkward silence, the campaign gives us a much more consistent sense of drama, at least where sight and sound are concerned.

Battlefront 2 Unlocks

But aside from that, the campaign never progresses beyond competence. Nothing is entirely terrible: Versio is a surprisingly charming character, the Empire is scenery-chewing evil, and there are even some nice moments of dialogue from characters both new and old -- I laughed once or twice, which is more than most games can claim. But the entire experience is so disjointed that it can barely ever find a groove to make the player care. Versio's story is more or less abandoned to allow us to bounce around playing as different hero characters, at times swinging so far from the original storyline that missions can feel more small-scale vignettes along the lines of Battlefield 1. It mostly careens into fanservice, or at least a version of fan service that imagines fans have been clamoring to watch Luke whack beetles with a lightsaber for five to ten minutes.

This is true of gameplay too: rarely do we move past blasting a couple enemies in a relatively confined space as we poke along through one environment after the other. We take extended breaks for starship action, which fare a little better for the solid flight controls, but they too wear thin after we've blasted our way through a couple of dozen unremarkable Tie Fighters. While one moment with an AT-AT does stand out, for the most part the campaign serves to allow the player to use the toys of multiplayer in a much more controlled environment. That environment, unfortunately, feels so controlled as to be something like the intergalactic equivalent of a Stormtrooper petting zoo.

There are moments when the storytelling feels like it's on to something, particularly in an earlier scene where Versio pilots a Tie Fighter through the wreckage of the Death Star and the player is forced to confront the actual human toll of what we saw only as a victory in the movies. These moments are abandoned in no time, and we're left with a serviceable if forgettable device for shuttling the player from one moment to the next. The campaign does not carry with it most of the frustrations of multiplayer, and so it stands out in this game for at least allowing you to set goals and accomplish them, if not for much else.


There is no joy in the failure of Star Wars Battlefront 2. It is a game that manages to excise both the fun and the drama from the original game for something that feels like far more but far less. It is larger but less grand, more detailed but more opaque, deeper on one level but far more ponderous on another. It is successful neither as a Battlefield-style online shooter nor as an approachable arcade experience. That your time with this game is defined by a byzantine and oppressive progression system does not help, nor does the ever-present specter of microtransactions sure to return soon. But this would not be a successful game even if these problems were solved. Star Wars Battlefront 2 is the prequel trilogy: overwrought and complicated, with none of the heart that drew us here in the first place.

Star Wars Battlefront 2

Developer: DICE

Platforms: PS4, Xbox One, PC

Publisher: EA

Release Date: November 17, 2017

Price: $59.99

Oct 21, 2016  It should be unlocked now in Sweden, it is installed and all. I click on play, and for a second its says 'Running' next to the game in the game library, a popup appears that says 'preparing to launch Civilization VI' - but nothing starts, and the pop up and the 'running' text disappears. Civilization vi wont start.


A review code was provided for the purpose of this review.

HomeBattlefront 25 Tips You SHOULD Know! – Star Wars Battlefront 2

There are 5 tips you need to know about in Star Wars Battlefront 2 that will help improve your game or just improve your quality of life while playing. Some of these you may know, others you wont, stay tuned, its coming up next. Bumper Intro Welcome back, today we’re talking about 5 things that will help improve your game or at least your quality of life in the game. If your a regualr on this channel, you’ve probably already seen my do these things or at least inform you of them, but to those of you who are new, you may not have found this out before. Maybe you have though, I don’t know, but I recently found out not all of this is common knowledge so thought I would share them with you. We’ll be covering, how to counter flash grenades, mauls dash controls, phasma zoom, counter heavies using shields, and how to drop an AT-ST quick without ion shot. if you enjoy this video or series, make sure to hit the like button to let me know, then hit the subscribe and notification button so you don’t miss when new videos are out on M/W/F and streams on T/Th at 8 pm central.

Streams are open to the public so if your on the PS4, feel free to join in and play with or against me. Also be sure to check out our partners at Star Wars Gaming .Net. It’s an amazing site that will keep you up to date with all games in the star wars gaming universe and where I pick up the majority of news about Star Wars Battlefront II. theres a link in the description below Counter Flashbangs Have you ever been in a match with so many officer’s you see more flashes than mardi gras? The flash grenade lasts a long time and it can take you out of the fight, but don’t worry I have a solution for you. No longer will you need to blind fire like crazy, or try and roll away and hope you get out of range.

Instead, run a weapon that offers a night vision attachment. Sight chaning scopes and abilities are not effected by the flash, so you an aim down sights and still see semi clearly. Granted you’ll have that annoying blue haze, but you’ll still be able to stay in the fight. Picking a hero in this same match? Take Lando, his pistol has the night vision site attached already or if your on the dark side, Bossk and his preditor vision are safe as well. I haven’t tested this on phasma, but i’m pretty confident that it will still be unaffected since it works the same as the night vision scopes. Dual Zoom Phasma Speaking of phasma, do you not light the night vision scope? Do you want to zoom in just a bit further? Did you know her F-11D has a dual zoom on it? The initial zoom will operate like night vision, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.

It will always give you that green haze and be super annoying to try and hit someone at a distance. Press down on your melee button or dual zoom button and you’ll change from night vision to an infrared style scope and zoom in. This will allow you to engage targets farther away and is just generally easier to see with, at least for me. While her weapon is still super inaccurate unless you lay on that trigger, it may help a little bit more for those of you who like to play further back behind the lines. Her staff is still bad though, and there’s no way to fix that. Darth Maul Dash Keeping on with heroes, we all know maul doesn’t have a block, but did you know his aim down sights button will cause him to dash forward? This will save you from having to hit your roll button that will cause you to take the thumbs off the sticks in order to preform a dash to get away or get behind cover.

It still shares the same 2 dash cool down as the roll button but is just easier to hit when you’re in a pinch. While it’s not as good as a block it might help keep you alive just a little bit longer. Heavy Shoot the feet As of patch there are heavies everywhere, and while most will run the ion turret, those who don’t have an annoying shield they can pop up to absorb your rounds. Most people when this happens either continue to shoot the shield and hope to bring it down fast, others will run away since the heavy has no mobility while its up. However there’s a third option, the shield wont cover the whole body, the legs and feet are still exposed. Instead of continuing to shoot the shield, aim lower and shoot their feet.

After enough shots that shield wielding heavy will fall and then rage at their screen that the shield didn’t work. IF your running assault, you can also run the ion grenade if you want, and that will one shot the shield and all their turrets, but you’ll lose the thermal detonator, which is a really strong grenade, but that’s an option as well for ya. At-St shoot in the back pannel.

As found on Youtube

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