Ck2 How To Get Claims On Kingdoms

Having a claim to a title means you've got a justification for it being yours. Claims are used as Casus Belli for war, and less frequently as a justification for title revocation.

Hey I have a kind of peculiar problem. I am playing the Elder Kings mod, and have used marriages and fabricated claims to become very powerful. I have conquered all characters of my own culture/religious group, and therefore marraige is no longer an option for me to gain claims, since other cultures and religions wont marry me.

  • 1Types of claims

Types of claims[edit]

Claims come in two varieties, weak and strong. The difference between a strong and a weak claim can be determined by the graphics, and mousing over a claim will indicate whether it will currently be inherited.

A holder of either type of claim is eligible to have their claim pressed by a faction, and also automatically qualifies as a potential candidate under Feudal Elective succession. Lieges with either type of claim on a title may revoke that title from a vassal without incurring tyranny.


Strong Claims[edit]

Strong claims are, as the name implies, the more useful type of claim. A strong claim can be pushed against anyone by almost anyone. There are two exceptions:

  1. You cannot push a woman's claim on a title that uses Agnatic succession law. (If you are female, however, you may press your personal claims regardless of the title's succession law.)
  2. The claims of female Muslims can't be pressed, not even if they are your personal claims. Only if the woman converts to a non-Islamic religion, or (in case of inheritable claims) after her sons inherit the claims, can they be used at all.

With strong claims, it becomes possible for rulers to usurp duchies and kingdoms from a character in the same realm, provided the title is not the same rank or higher ranked than their liege's. Characters who are rulers and hold multiple strong claims may push all of them in the same war.

Weak Claims[edit]

A weak claim can only be pushed if:

  • the title holder is female and the claimant is male (except with Full Status of Women or gender equality game rule)
  • the title holder is in regency (due to imprisonment, incapability, youth, pilgrimage, or in hiding)
  • the title is currently contested in another war
  • or claimant is 2nd or 3rd in line to the title.

Generation of claims[edit]

When a title holder dies or abdicates, the second and third in line get strong claims, and other children get weak claims. Exceptions include:

  • Under feudal elective succession, the second and third in line only get weak claims.
  • Under gavelkind succession, the primary heir does not get claims on titles that are passed to junior heirs who become vassals.
  • Theocracies, republics, and merchant republics do not generate claims.

Claims can also be generated by:

MethodType of claim
Chancellor mission to Fabricate ClaimStrong, uninheritable claim
Plot to Forge ClaimStrong, inheritable claim
Request claim from PopeStrong, uninheritable claim
Lost title through war, peaceful usurpation, or folding to claimant factionStrong, inheritable claim
Abdicated due to banishment, fleeing arrest, being elected Pope, or losing Overthrow Ruler warStrong, inheritable claim
Title was destroyed upon becoming landless (even through revocation)Strong, inheritable claim
Lost title to liege who 'emergency usurped' the vassal county upon losing their last countyStrong, inheritable claim
Lost title to liege who revoked the titleWeak, inheritable claim
Lost control of direct vassal title when vassal gained a higher titleStrong, inheritable claim
Lost control of direct vassal title through independence warStrong, inheritable claim
Lost control of direct vassal title through independence faction war or ultimatumWeak, inheritable claim
Viceroy became independent (grant independence or during rebellion)Strong, uninheritable claim
Inherited from previous claimantWeak, uninheritable claim

It is also possible to lose titles without getting a claim. For example, losing a county due to nomad agitation when the top liege dies does not generate claims.

Ck2 How To Get Claims On Kingdoms 2

Pressing a claim[edit]

A claim is 'pressed' when war is declared using that claim as a casus belli. Pressing a claim 'renews' it, ensuring that it will be inherited by the claim holder's children. Even if the war ends in white peace or inconclusively, the claim remains pressed. It is sometimes useful to press a claim of a courtier and then get white peace or murder the courtier. In both cases, the courtier's children - belonging to your dynasty, perhaps - will inherit the claim.

Multiple strong claims against a single opponent may be pressed in a single war, but only if they're all held by the attacker; you can only push a single claim by someone else at a time.

Finding claimants[edit]

When viewing a title, clicking the 'show claimants' button will display a list of all claim holders, together with an icon indicating whether they will accept an invitation to your court. Note that this display does not distinguish between strong and weak claimants, nor does it show characters who will get claims upon the deaths of their parents but do not presently have them. To find potential claimants, try looking at the family tree of the dynasty that holds the title.

Impact of claims on AI[edit]

Your AI vassals with claims on one of your titles will have a lower opinion of you. Additionally, the AI is much more reluctant to release a prisoner with a claim on their title. AI rulers will not let you take a concubine who has a claim on any title.

See also[edit]

Levies • Retinues • Mercenaries • Holy orders • Event troops • Hordes • Adventurers
Alliances • Casus Belli • Claims • Crusades, jihads and great holy wars • Factions • Attrition
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Forget everything Fallout has ever taught you because war is changing. We already knew about upcoming geographical expansions in Crusader Kings II [official site], making areas that were previously impassable playable, but fresh news arrived in today’s dev diary and it involves changes to fundamental systems. The major shift will be in the causes of war, which will no longer require justification in every instance. That could be a dramatic change, given that one of the most important aspects of CK II is the need for a Casus Belli to not only declare war but to inform the goals of a war. The other alterations will come in battle itself, specifically sieges. More below.

If you’ve never played CK II you might not understand why an unjustified war would be such a big deal. After all, what kind of medieval king doesn’t assume the same powers as Oliver Stone’s Nixon who reckoned he could “bomb whoever he liked?” Well, you might not get impeached for stabbing your neighbours in the back but you are going to need a good reason to carve up their territory and take a slice for yourself. Traditionally, the best way to seize land that you had no authentic claim on, through familial connections, de jure rights or other means, was to fabricate a fresh claim. This takes time and CK II maestro Henrik Fåhraeus says he met a lot of players at the Paradox Convention a couple of weeks ago who find the process “annoying”.

And so, change is coming:

“First off, we’re going to deemphasize the ‘Fabricate Claim’ job by giving all playable entities (including Christians) a form of ‘Unjustified War’ Casus Belli that will allow you to seize a single County for an upfront cost of Piety, Prestige or Gold (depending on your Religion and Government Form.) Ideally, I’d also like to replace the ‘Fabricate Claim’ job with something else (maybe something to do with foreign embassies and arranging marriages, or something to do with Laws. Suggestions are welcome!) However, we might decide leave it there as it is (it does still have some uses.)”

As long as the balance is right, in terms of the cost of this kind of action as well as the targets it can be used against (Christian against Christian should carry a much harsher penalty, for example) and the reputation hit that it causes, this seems like a way to cut out a repetitive process and that would be a good thing. But if the balance isn’t right, war might become a thing of little note or consequence, and that would be irritating. I have faith that Henrik and his team will settle on a good solution eventually and hope whatever expansion or patch this update arrives in doesn’t land in my game before that solution is in place.

The changes to sieges are intended to prevent assaults that can blitz through defenses too quickly.

“Next, we’re adding a Game Rule for Siege Assaults. The options are ‘Unlimited’, which works like before, ‘On’, which disables Assaults against Holdings at Fort Level 6 or above, and ‘Off’, which disables Assaults entirely. We’re currently playing around with these changes, so the exact rules for the ‘On’ setting might change. On a related note, the time it takes to siege down Holdings is also being tweaked, to make it quicker overall but also making the Fort Level matter more.”

Essentially, this shouldn’t make any holding flat-out invulnerable but it should make whittling down the defenses of a well-fortified location a far more drawn-out affair.

I’m guessing these changes will come with the next expansion, which will also open up Tibet and its environs.

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