Delay In Marriage Due To Gandharva Dosha

Manglik Dosh: Its impact on married Life.

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In case of a delayed marriage of a girl due to some astrological reasons as presence of Manglik Dosha one should follow the advice of an expert and should chant the Chaupai of Saint Tulsidas. In case of remedies delay in marriage of a girl due to some astrological reasons such as presence of kaal sarpa dosha or maglik dosha should chant the Chaupai of Saint Tulsidas for 108 times till success comes. Delay in marriage is a common cause and problem these days. The astrological remedies for love and marriage can prevent the cause of delay in marriage, death of life partner, broken love affair, divorce and separation. The kundli matching and marriage analysis by astrologer can minimize the evil planetary influence.

By on 07/03/2019 in
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We all know the significance of marriage and its relation with Vedic astrology in Hinduism. In Hinduism, marriage is not just a bond between two people; it is a bond between two families as well. Therefore, the impact of Vedic astrology plays an important role, whether it’s an arranged or love marriage.
Many people rely on Vedic astrology to predict various important events in their life, and marriage is one of them. Vedic astrology can also predict the future of a marital relationship between two people.
Kundali matching is called matching of horoscopes, which is done to know about the compatibility of two people. In Hinduism, before finalising a prospect, horoscope matching or kundalimatch making is imperative. Different gunas are matched against each other to foresee if the match is suitable.
It is believed that if the accumulated score is lies between 18 and 24, then the match is fitting. Anything less than this is suggested to be avoided. One of the main things that kundali matching predicts is Mangal dosha.

Mangal Dosha Effect on Marriage Life
What is Mangal dosha?
According to Vedic astrology, Mangal or Mars is a very fiery planet that is characterised by features such as self-centric, egoistic, highly energetic, etc. A person can be distinguished as a Manglik, if Mangal or Mars is situated in the 1 st , 2 and , 4 th , 7 th , 8 th , or 12 th house of a person’s horoscope.
According to astrology, a Manglik person suffers from Mangal dosha, which can lead to various problems in their life due to the wrong alignment of Mangal in the horoscope. Every house is specific to a part of our life and showcases the longevity and prosperity of that. If Mangal is situated in any of these houses,
it will only create chaos. For instance, 2 nd house indicates family, 4 th house happiness, 7 th house married life and so on. Therefore, if Mangal resides in the 2 nd house, it is certain that family life will be a problem. Similarly, Mangal in 7 th house is believed to have ill-effects on the person’s married life.
Types of Mangal dosha
According to Vedic astrology, there are only types of Mangal dosha that people suffer from.
1. Anshik Manglik means that the person is suffering from minor Mangal dosha. Low mangal dosha is said to wear-off with age or after28 years of age. The effects can be demolishedwith the help of certain rituals such as the Shanti Pooja.
2. Major Manglik Dosha which is highly negative and believed to have vital impact on married life. It is also believed that it can lead to the death of the significant other, if not treated. Therefore, is highly recommended to ward-off the ill- effects with the help of ‘Kumbh-Vivah’, the only remedy for major Mangliks.
Generally, astrologers say that almost 50%-60% of people have Manglik dosha in their horoscope.There are various conditions according to which Manglik yoga can be cancelled as well. For instance, if Kendra i.e., the 1 st , 4 th , 7 th , 10 th houses and in trikonas i.e., 5 th and 9 th house have benefic planets and in 3 rd , 6 th , 8 th , 11 th house there are malefic, then also the Mangal dosha gets cancelled.
Another saying is that if strong Jupiter and Venus are in the lagna or in the 7 th house, then Mangal dosha gets cancelled too. Also, during kundali matching, if a match scores 24 or more point, then the match is deemed as suitable, regardless of the Mangal dosha.
Impact of Mangal dosha on married life
Mangal dosha can have very serious ill-effects on a marriage. It is also believed that, if two people get married regardless of the presence of mangal dosha and without performing any remedial solution, it can lead to various problems. In worst case scenario, it can also lead to the death of the spouse. Let’s see how Mangal dosh have malefic effects on a marriage based on its position on the house.
1. When Mars is situated in the 1st house:
The 1st house represents the house of the better-half. Thus, it affects the married life of the Manglik. It may also lead to physical and physiological harm which can cause unnecessary distress and even lead to divorce.
2. When Mars is situated in the 2nd house:
Family life is dictated by the 2nd house. The person suffering from Manglik dosha may have a disturbed family life, before and after marriage as well. It also causes delay in marriage and professional life.
3. When Mars is situated in the 4th house:
4th house is related to professional life. Therefore, Mangal dosha can adversely affect professional life as well. Such persons may find it difficult to stick to a certain job and may not be successfully professionally. This will eventually lead to distressing married life.
4. When Mars is situated in the 7th house:
Mangal dosha in this house results in hyper-energy. Such a person might be ill-tempered and will be unable to maintain cordial relations. This kind of person will be very dominating and dictating over his or her partner which will lead to everyday clashes and quarrels in their married life.
5. When Mars is situated in the 12th house:
Manglik individuals with Mangal in the 12th house will have enemies. They may also suffer from mental problems and financial losses.
All these problems combined with marital distress become very difficult for a manglik to lead a normal and happy life. Therefore, Vedic astrology offers remedies which helps in reducing the malefic effects of Mangal dosh leading to marital bliss.
Remedies to ward-off Mangal dosha
1. Recite Hanuman chalisa and fast on every Tuesday
2. Recite Mahamritunjaya mantra
3. Recite Gayatri mantra 108 times everyday
4. Kumbh Vivah
5. Worship Banyan tree and offer milk to the tree or at least water it
All these remedies, if followed diligently will surely help to negate the ill-effects of Mangal dosha. It also helps in the marriage of manglik and non-manglik person. However, one should follow these remedies only after consulting an expert astrologer. Also, as it’s said in the Shreemad Bhagvad Geeta, karma plays a huge role in shaping our life. So, keep your Karma right.

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In the horoscope we have 12 houses. The 7th house signifies marriage and marital life and any malefic affliction to the seventh house or the seventh lord can cause a delay in marriage.

In case of a male chart, all information about his wife can be obtained by studying the 7th house , 7th lord and planet Venus.

In case of female chart it is necessary to study the 7th house and also the 8th house, its lord and Jupiter which is the karka for husband.

Given Below are important reasons which bring delayed Marriage and obstacles in getting married.

Placement of Malefic Planets in 7th house

This is one of the important causes for delay in marriage. Malefic planets in the 7th house will bring delay in solemnizing marriage. Placement of Rahu, Ketu, Saturn and/or Mars bring instability on the marriage front. Saturn is the natural significator for delays and obstacles and its placement can bring late marriage. Other malefic planets like Mars, Rahu and Ketu also give similar effects.

7th house in Paap Katari

Delay In Marriage Due To Gandharva Dosha In English

If there are malefic planets in the 6th and the 8th house, then 7th house is considered under paap Katari. This is not good yog and can bring delays and obstacles in marital life. It is very necessary to do remedies of malefic planets in the paap Katari before marriage.

Bad Placement of 7th lord

If the 7th lord is placed in the trik bhavas that is the 6th, 8th or the 12th house then the 7th lord gets weak and is certainly going to bring delays and obstacles on the marital front. Strength needs to be provided to the 7th house and 7th lord for getting marriage.

Retrograde Planet in 7th house

Delay In Marriage Due To Gandharva Dosha

The Planet placed in the 7th House should not be in retrograde or the 7th house lord should not be retrograde in Birth chart. When there are retrograde planets in the 7th house the native will see instability on the marriage front. This is severe if the retrograde planet is a malefic planet like Saturn or Mars.

Retrograde planets bring back and forth results on the marriage front. So one day it may appear things are on the verge of getting finalized and then another day, obstacles can be there. All past efforts go waste, this is even more when that very planet is retrograde in the transit.

Weak Venus in the Horoscope

Delay In Marriage Due To Gandharva Dosha In Tamil

Venus is the significator of marriage and if Venus gets weak in the horoscope due to malefic placement, affliction or if it is combust, it will bring delay in marriage and also problems in marital life.

Weak Jupiter in the Horoscope

A weak Jupiter can delay marriage, specifically in the female chart. A aspect of Jupiter on the 7th house is good as Jupiter aspects bestows the girl with marriage. Jupiter placed in the 7th house will bring obstacles in solemnizing marriage and marital life afterwards.

If there is weak Jupiter then strength needs to be provided to Jupiter for having a blissful and happy marital life.

To know more about your marriage period and life partner, you can take a Detailed Marriage Report from below. This report is an exhausted report on your marital life as per your Birth chart.

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