Mass Effect 1 Mod

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Mass Effect Must-Have Mods List (All Games)Aug 16, 2016 12:23:28 GMTObsidian Gryphon, Ahriman, and 5 more like this
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How to install most Mass Effect mods – a video tutorial. How to install Femshep hair mods. How to install MShep hair mods. How to make animated GIFs from Fraps. The Basics: Texture Modding – Part 1 – Extracting Textures. Texture Modding – Part 2 – Editing Textures. Texture Modding – Part 3 – Replacing Textures. Advanced: Mesh Modding.

Post by Remki on Aug 16, 2016 12:23:28 GMT

Hello everyone! I wanted to put this together for new ME players as well as old hands maybe looking to spice up future playthroughs. It's a list of mods that I've found to be Must Haves, as well as a few that are at least Pretty Good. Please feel free to comment with your own Must Have mods (preferably with links to a stable *coughnotBSNPrime* place to download) and I will add them to the list. The sad truth is that there's a LOT of information on mods located on the BSN Prime that will simply be lost, and I can't even begin to know where to start in trying to track down or save all those resources. But I feel like this list is a good start. So please do help us add to the list!
Mod list format: MOD TITLE - games it can be applied to - LINK(S)
Large Address Aware - General Game Mod Tool - here or here
Wench's Coalesced Editor - ME3 - here, here, or here
Gibbed Save Editor - ME2, ME3 - here, here, or here

Mass Effect Cinema Mod - ME1, ME2 - here or here (youtube example video here)
ME Updated/Improved Texture Mod- ME1 - here or here
Blood Be Gone - ME2 - here or here
Shorter Loading Animations - ME2 - here or here
Anderson Extended Coversation Mod - ME3 -here or here
ME Happy Ending Mod - ME3 - here or here
JohnP's Alternate MEHE Mod - ME3 - here
Citadel Epilogue Mod - ME3 -here
(I have a ton of these but they are based on personal taste, so I'll limit this list to things I rec regardless of who's playing)
Buff FemShep - ME3 -here or here
Vanilla Hair Tweaks - ME3 - here or here


(I really wish people would name their pages something other than ME Mods..)
Mass Effect Modding (general)
Mass Effect Modding (elemod's, technical)
Mass Effect Mods (girlplaysgames's, general & technical)
Headmorphs & Tecture Mods list (Mass Effect Save's, general)
ThaneMod (general, haven't tried them personally but hear good things)
Mass Effect Mods (ishouldgo's, general & technical)
Nexus Mod: ME1, ME2, ME3
Moddb: ME1, ME2. ME3
This list is a work in process and more will be added gradually in the future! Thanks for your patience

Frosty Tool Suite

Best Mass Effect Andromeda Mods

Generally speaking, we prefer to list mods that are fun, unique and occasionally superfluous. No-frills mods with undeniable utility get considerably less run, because they’re… well, they’re just dull.

However, every now and then, a mod comes along that acts as a lynchpin for most other things to work around, and this is the case with the Frosty Tools Suite. So many other mods require it in order to operate, that it’s practically a necessity.

It also sounds like a Herb Alpert track from the early 80s. And that’s cool, too.


Romance For All

Best Mass Effect Andromeda Mods

Love is love, man. So let’s unshackle ourselves from the conventions of gender, and live the way we choose. This mod allows the male Ryder to seduce the gentlemen he works with, while the female Ryder can take a crack at the lovely ladies aboard.

As a bonus, this mod also lets you pursue multiple relationships, which is excellent if you’re hoping to go down a ‘My Five Wives’ route. Just be aware that shifting the original gender around can lead to some clipping in cutscenes, which is to be expected when you insert a surprise booby into a place where it hadn’t been lurking prior.

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Mass Effect 1 Module Puzzle

CC Overhaul

Best Mass Effect Andromeda Mods

There’s always time for beauty, though when you’re floating adrift through the cosmos, your look can sometimes leave something to be desired. No need to put a paper bag over your head however, as there’s a mod that will allow you to get dolled up to your heart’s content.

We’re talking blush, eyeliner, eyeshadow and lipstick – a lethal combination that, when expertly applied, can bring even the fiercest foes to their knees. Remember to contour.

Shorter Landing Times

Best Mass Effect Andromeda Mods

We live in an era of gaming where cinematics have become so deeply entrenched, they occasionally take precedence over the actual game itself. How many times have you been subjected to a lengthy cut-scene, with no option of skipping ahead?

Mass Effect Andromeda is no less guilty than anyone else, and this can be especially grating when all you want to do is get on or off a landing destination. Downloading this mod will hasten the cinematic by a considerable 90%, allowing you to stop watching the pretty thing do the pretty animation, and get back to doing what you were supposed to (hooking up with attractive crew members).

Road Rage

Best Mass Effect Andromeda Mods

Recklessly joyriding around in your buggy and end up crashing into a hapless life form that wandered across your path? In Mass Effect Andromeda, this will only end up doing minor damage in situations where they should probably be filing a lawsuit.

Download the Road Rage mod in order to ramp up the ouch factor whenever you turn someone into roadkill. There’s even an option to quadruple the damage, should you want your victims to be somewhere between dead and a pile of goo.

Shut up SAM

Best Mass Effect Andromeda Mods

Snow up to your kneecaps, and only getting thicker? The last thing you need is for SAM to be spouting some useless intel every time its thermometer drops to a certain point. Download this mod to put a lid on the musings of old SAM (short for smartass machine), allowing you to focus on the task at hand,

This mod will keep notices about failing life support however, because that is a fairly critical piece of information that you would rather know about before you keel over and suffocate. Just the essentials, SAM buddy, and we’ll get by just fine.

Better Squad

Best Mass Effect Andromeda Mods

Mass Effect 1 Mod Controller

Squad goals: have a significantly less useless squad. Just don’t tell Peebee, she might get offended. Maybe don’t mention that she looks a bit like a a raccoon, either.

Adding this mod to your arsenal will increase squad members’ offensive and defensive passive powers as required, making for much smoother sailing for yourself. If only you could also turn your squad members into a gigantic candy bar, then they would really be indispensable.

Hyper Mobility

Best Mass Effect Andromeda Mods

For all those times when you’d really like for your Ryder to show a little more urgency, this mod greatly improves your character’s sprint speed, as well as jump height and distance.

Just make sure you watch where you’re going, lest you send yourself careening off into the great abyss. Probably wouldn’t be able to jump your way out of that situation, unfortunately.

We Had the Blueprints…

Best Mass Effect Andromeda Mods

Sick of being unable to afford critical research whenever you really need it? Pinch your pennies no more, intrepid friends, for this mod will reduce the cost to undertake such studies by an astronomical rate.

Previously cheap research has had a further reduction to 2 RP, while expensive options are down to 5 RP. It’s like a sale, only the product is sheer knowledge itself.

Flying Mod

Best Mass Effect Andromeda Mods

If none of the preceding mods were doing it for you, maybe you would enjoy flying. That’s it. Whenever your little legs are tired, and you’ve grown weary of having to amble around like a chump, you can just look up and blast off like Ironman. How exciting does that sound?

Control your flight by turning the camera’s direction, increase and decrease altitude with ease, and even activate supersonic flight mode for the ultimate joyride. It’ll probably be bizarre as hell for everyone else nearby as they watch you just casually lift off into the sky, but those looks of confusion will soon turn to jealousy when you’re soaring across the sky.

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